Friday, 15 May 2009


The Need:
Today I needed to go through Active Directory and produce a list of all servers, then check which were active. I needed to output this to file this time but more often I will just need to output to the screen, so i decided to make use of the switch statement.

The Script:
write-Host "This script will list all the servers in AD and then ping them."
$output = (Read-Host "Press 1 to output to the screen or 2 to output to file")

Switch ($output) {

1 {
Write-Host "Please Wait....Checking AD now!" -fore Yellow
#Get Servers from AD
$ServerList = @(get-qadcomputer -OSName "Windows Server*")
$Servers = $ServerList | foreach {$_.Name}

#Ping Server
function Ping-Server{
$ping = gwmi -q "SELECT * FROM Win32_Pingstatus WHERE Address = '$serv'"
if($ping.statusCode -eq 0) { write-Host "$serv is up" }
else { Write-Host "$serv is not responding" -fore red }

foreach ($serv in ($servers)){Ping-Server}
write-host "Done!"

2 {
Write-Host "When complete the files will be saved in C:\Temp"
Write-Host "Please Wait....Checking AD now!" -fore Yellow
#Create 3 blank files
New-Item C:\Temp\Servers-in-AD.txt -Type File -force | out-null
New-Item C:\Temp\Servers-Responding.txt -Type File -force | out-null
New-Item C:\Temp\Servers-Not-Responding.txt -Type File -force | out-null

#Get Servers from AD
$ServerList = @(get-qadcomputer -OSName "Windows Server*"); $Servers = $ServerList | foreach {$_.Name}

$Servers >> C:\Temp\Servers-in-AD.txt

#Ping Server
function Ping-Server{
$ping = gwmi -q "SELECT * FROM Win32_Pingstatus WHERE Address = '$serv'"
if($ping.statusCode -eq 0) { Write-output "$serv is up" >>C:\Temp\Servers-Responding.txt}
else { Write-output "$serv is not responding" >>C:\Temp\Servers-Not-Responding.txt}
foreach ($serv in ($servers))
write-host "Done!"

#Open output files
Invoke-Item C:\Temp\Servers-in-AD.txt
Invoke-Item C:\Temp\Servers-Not-Responding.txt
Invoke-Item C:\Temp\Servers-Responding.txt
Default {Write-Host "You didn't select option 1 or 2" -fore Red}

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